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Awareness Programme:













Sanitation :

PRATEEKSHA has organized several Rally including the school children and SHG members for a lesson to understand all villagers for Cleanliness of their own surroundings, Using of Individual household Latrines which results a clean village. This is due to overcome the diseases such Malaria, whooping Cough and cholera which is mostly found in almost all villages in massive scale. The village Parkod under Parkod GP used water flow down everywhere, which exhibits a snobby and dirty look throughout the operational area. In order to promote a clean and a healthy environment, the organisation activated the young group and the local community to come together and offer shramadan. People came forward and dug drainage on both sides of roads, besides everybody's home areas, and small pits were dug to dump the wastage.


P.C.R. & P.O.A. Act:

PRATEEKSHA has been facilitate to organize a training of PCR & POA in Nuapada Block by the programme funded through SC/ST Development Deptt, Bhubaneshwar by the recommendation of the District Collector, Nuapada which has been conducted in Khariar Road. Senior Advocates, Police personnel's, Chairman, NAC, DWO officials attended the programme as resource persons for sharing there experience to the SC/ST people. The organization made aware of the people about the new law of Protection of Civil rights & Prevention on Atrocities for SC/STs. Inducts of atrocity/un-touchability were brought to the notice of the District office of the Dist Welfare office, Nuapada for SC & STs, for remedial action.



PRATEEKSHA organised awareness campaign in its operational area of Haldi village with a view to preserve protect the village forest. People from neighboring villages participated in this campaigns. Awareness generated amongst the rural people to protect environment and forest regions need to be kept up to get them involve in the task of environment protection. They have been advised to take care of the environment by adopting social forestry programme. We have formed Van Surakshya Samity in each village and taken oath to take care of gramya jungle by replanting trees. Orientation was also conducted to make the people aware about the cause of environmental degradation and the relationship between protections of forest and ecological up gradation. Besides printed leaflets and booklets were distributed among the villages to bring more awareness on this issue.


AIDs Awareness:

PRATEEKSHA has organised many AIDS awareness camps in Khariar Road and nearby villages with a message to stay for from these to have a good & longer life also distributed pamphlets for usage of condoms for preventing AIDS. We have organised dramas and folk songs with a message how a person is affected by AIDS and the end result so that the normal layman can understand its dangerous effects. PRATEEKSHA is planning to promote AIDS Awareness counseling centers in all those villages.


POLIO Awareness:

To eradicate the Polio disease, Govt. of India launched this Pulse Polio Project. PRATEEKSHA volunteers with the help of medical officers organised pulse polio eradication camp in Khariar Road during March 2008. In this camp with the help of local medical officer and staffs, PRATEEKSHA has helped to immunise 85 children under polio eradication programme with a single dose as target by Govt. of India.


Law Awareness:

PRATEEKSHA with the help of Judiciary Deptt BDO,Nuapada, CGM, SDJM, Sub Judge and senior advocates participated as resource person and organized the programme in silda under Dummerpani GP. Without the basic knowledge of the laws and the legal system, women cannot protect themselves or others in the community. Our efforts to educate women all across the country provide the critical mass the strength to oppose injustices.


The Legal Education programme primarily targets women at the village level to increase legal awareness, improve understanding of the judiciary system and ultimately influence behavioural change. Focusing on laws, legal systems and methods for seeking help,  PRATEEKSHA is for many women their first exposure to the concept of legal and human rights. The Camp further raises awareness about legal rights and seeks to educate village courts of existing laws.


In 2007 we began the Legal Aid Programme in order to provide legal support and make the governmental courts accessible to the targeted individuals. Over the past ten years, the Legal Aid Programme has grown to include the Alternative Dispute Resolution Programme, expanded legal offices and counsels, gender awareness training, and village-based law implementation committees. The focus has thus shifted from education to empowered action to improve legal legislation and the judicial system. Using a vast network of people, programmes and other NGOs, we continue to provide holistic legal support to women around the-country.



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